Major libraries that have been used in this tutorial

In [1]:
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import sympy

Introduction to Mathematical Computations with Python

Welcome to Numerical Computations!

In this simple tutorial, we will learn about python3's basic commands and methods that we will use them regularly for numerical computations. Consider that we use Python 3.7


This tutorial has been created by $\href{}{Hamed \: Nejat}$ for Numerical computations course of $\href{}{Electrical \: Engineering \: Department \: of \: Sharif \: University \: of \: Technology}$, with major help of official documents of Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib and Sympy. special thanks to all other python developers, this tutorial is free to use.

Anaconda with Python3.7 Download links:

Windows (x64/x86) (~490MB) :

for MacOS (~650MB) :

for Linux (~510MB) :

Make sure that JupyterLab is installed by this command on Anaconda Prompt :

-->conda install jupyter

Virtual environments:

In anaconda prompt, write:

-->conda create -n env_name python=3.7

Then everytime you want to code for this course, write:

-->conda activate evn_name

And when you dont want to use this env:

-->conda deactivate env_name

for anaconda users:

-->conda install jupyter

for main python users:

-->pip install

Run Jupyter notebook:

Open Anaconda prompt, one of the ways is to search "Anaconda prompt" in windows search.

After opening of Anaconda Prompt, Enter:

-->jupyter lab

Then, you are in jupyter environment. click on file tab, then click on new notebook.

Run Spyder scientific IDE

On cmd/terminal, install spyder using this commands:

-->conda install spyder

To run:



For more questions about tutorial class or homeworks:

contact us :

Key commands and methods

0: Basic commands


In the begining of almost every programming language, we try to print a text or a number. python is easy to 
start! here are some examples of printing variables:

Input/Output (I/O)

In [2]:
print("You will never walk alone") # Raw string
print("There is" + " a " + "GoldenSky :)" # Multi strings
    " Walk on", "trough the rain") # multi line
You will never walk alone
There is a GoldenSky :) Walk on trough the rain
In [3]:
a = int(input("Enter int number"))
b = float(input("enter float"))
s = str(input("Enter string"))

print(a, b, s)
12653451253 123.123 YNWA
In [4]:
print(6) # Integers
print(-7) # Integers
print(18.0) # Floats
print("18.0 " + str(-32.4353)) # Numbers to string
print(float("18.34") + 32.4353) # Strings to number
print(float("-18.34") + 32.4353) # Signed strings to number, Sign is included in number while it was converted from string to number!
18.0 -32.4353
In [6]:
print("First number: {}, Second number: {} and so on ...".format(4.01, 3.98))

print ('%.2f'%(11.1725612)) # 2-digit precision, rounded down because 11.1725612 < 11.175
print ('%.2f'%(11.1775612)) # 2-digit presicion rounded up because 11.1775612 > 11.175

print('%.5f'%(float("18.34") + 32.4353)) # Strings to number, 5-digit precision
print('%.3f'%(float("-18.34") + 32.4353)) # Signed strings to number, 3-digit precision

print('%f %d %s'%(11.13, 11.13, 11.13)) # printing float, integer and string in same command.
print('%f'%(1323.12312312312)) # NOTE!: default float precision is 6-digits
First number: 4.01, Second number: 3.98 and so on ...
11.130000 11 11.13

1: Some data type and variable assignment

1.1: integer, float, string, char

In [7]:
a = 4 # integer
b = -5.12 # float
c = "Estereeng" # string 

# char is almost same with str in python, except char array in classes
d = chr(113) # <C: char> = chr(<I: integer>) method returns the character that has ascii=I
e = ord('q') # <I: integer> = ord(<C: char>) method returns the ascii that char=C

print("\nType of a is :", type(a), "a :", a,
      "\nType of b is :", type(b), "b :", b,
      "\nType of c is :", type(c), "c :", c,
      "\nType of d is :", type(d), "d :", d,
      "\nType of e is :", type(e), "d :", e)
Type of a is : <class 'int'> a : 4 
Type of b is : <class 'float'> b : -5.12 
Type of c is : <class 'str'> c : Estereeng 
Type of d is : <class 'str'> d : q 
Type of e is : <class 'int'> d : 113

1.2: Dictionary

In [9]:
e = dict() # dict :: e[<Key>] = <Val>
e["asd"] = 12 # assigning num to string key
e[1] = a # integer to integer 
e[b] = 'L' # char (string) to float 

print("\nType of e is :", type(e), "\n e :", e)
print("e[\"asd\"] is : ", e["asd"])
Type of e is : <class 'dict'> 
 e : {'asd': 12, 1: 4, -5.12: 'L'}
e["asd"] is :  12

0.1.3: List

In [10]:
f = list() # alternate for list / f = [1, 1.1, list]
f.append(1) # appending an integer
f.append(1.1) # appending a float

f.append("paganini") # appending a string
f.append(e) # appending a dictionary!
print("\nType of e is :", type(f), "e :", f)

f.pop(2) # pop 2nd element
print("\nType of e is :", type(f), "e :", f)
f.pop() # pop last element
print("\nType of e is :", type(f), "e :", f)
Type of e is : <class 'list'> e : [1, 1.1, 'paganini', {'asd': 12, 1: 4, -5.12: 'L'}]

Type of e is : <class 'list'> e : [1, 1.1, {'asd': 12, 1: 4, -5.12: 'L'}]

Type of e is : <class 'list'> e : [1, 1.1]

1.3: Set

In [12]:
f = set() # alternate for list / f = [1, 1.1, list]
f.add(1) # add an integer to the set
f.add(1.1) # appending a float

f.add("vivaldi") # appending a string
# f.add(e) # appending a dictionary!
print("\nType of e is :", type(f), "e :", f)

f.remove("antonio") # remove one existing element

try: # prevents unexcepted errors and interrupts in program 
    f.remove("bach") # key is not in the set
except KeyError: 
    print("\nKey is not in the set")
    print("Unknown error")
print("\nType of e is :", type(f), "e :", f)
f.pop() # pop last element
print("\nType of e is :", type(f), "e :", f)
Type of e is : <class 'set'> e : {'vivaldi', 1, 2, 1.1, 'antonio', -1}

Key is not in the set

Type of e is : <class 'set'> e : {'vivaldi', 1, 2, 1.1, -1}

Type of e is : <class 'set'> e : {1, 2, 1.1, -1}

1.4: Computation

In this subsection, we will do some maths computations and evaluate errors.

In [14]:
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

a = 12.250
b = 27.601
c = a * b
d = a / b

print(a, b, c, d)
12.25 27.601 338.11225 0.443824499112351
In [15]:
a = 3.131
b = 13.313
c = a ** b # a power b
d = np.sqrt(b) # radical b

print(a, b, c, d)
3.131 13.313 3972177.79380536 3.6486983980592314
In [16]:
a = 3.131
b = np.sin(a) # numpy sinus; is radian based
c = np.cos(a) # numpy cosinus; is radian based
d = np.exp(c) # exponential

print(a, b, c, d)
3.131 0.010592455500673467 -0.9999438983695367 0.3679000803868474
In [17]:
a = -3.131 + 4.023j # complex number
b = np.sin(a) # numpy sinus; is radian based
c = np.cos(a) # numpy cosinus; is radian based
d = np.exp(c) # exponential

print(a, b, c, d)
(-3.131+4.023j) (-0.29598688665547973-27.92371377790813j) (-27.941611960486863+0.2957972903163078j) (7.011789697864798e-13+2.1367541336939334e-13j)

Some Random Numbers

In [24]:
a = np.random.rand(5) # 10 random numbers uniformly between 0-1
b = np.random.randn(1000) # 1000 Gaussian standard distributed random numbers with mean = 0, std = 1
c = np.random.randint(-3, 14, 10) # 10 random integers between -3 and 13
d = np.random.gamma(2.5, 1, [2, 2]) # beta, gumbel, ... other distributions are available

[0.72043503 0.42271848 0.34518329 0.52325653 0.95223927]
[13  5  2  5  7  8  9 -1 -1  9]
[[0.52462323 1.44135035]
 [3.56640445 7.56055784]]

1.5 Stats

In [26]:
import numpy as np

interval_first = 0
interval_last = 10
step = 2
amount = 33

e = np.arange(interval_first, interval_last, step) # equivalent to matlab's i:j with step 
f = np.linspace(interval_first, interval_last, amount) # Splits line space between 1 and 10 into 25 numbers
g = np.mean(e)
h = np.var(f)

i = np.std(f)
j = np.max(e)
k = np.min(f)
l = np.median(e)

print(len(e)) # returns length of structure
print(len(f)) # returns length of structure

print(g, h, i)
print(j, k, l)
[0 2 4 6 8]
[ 0.      0.3125  0.625   0.9375  1.25    1.5625  1.875   2.1875  2.5
  2.8125  3.125   3.4375  3.75    4.0625  4.375   4.6875  5.      5.3125
  5.625   5.9375  6.25    6.5625  6.875   7.1875  7.5     7.8125  8.125
  8.4375  8.75    9.0625  9.375   9.6875 10.    ]
4.0 8.854166666666666 2.9755951785595207
8 0.0 4.0

2: Loop and Condition

In [3]:
import numpy as np
first = -4
last = 6
step = 2
cnt = 0.5

np_array1 = np.array([1, 0.7, -4, 2.0 + 2.0j, -0.5j])
np_array2 = np.array([[1, 2], [0.5j, -2], [4.0, 0.3j]])

For loops

In [5]:
for i in range(first, last, step): # ranged loop

for j in np_array1: # structured loop

for i, j in np_array2: # structured double loop
    print(i, j)
In [8]:
for i in range(10):

While loops

In [9]:
while cnt < 10:
    cnt *= 2

If conditions

In [10]:
if step > 10:
    pass # the command that does nothing!
    # the code
elif step == 10: # Else If equivalent
    # the code
elif step == 9:
    quit() # Exit from the code or program !
else: # otherwise
    print("Nothing else matters")
Nothing else matters

3: Functions

In [11]:
import numpy as np

# Basic recursive function
def gcd(a, b): # Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
    if b > a:
        (a, b) (b, a) # nice swap in Python!
    if b == 0:
        return a
    return gcd(b, a%b)

R = 14
a = -1
f = lambda tau : 14 - ((1.0 - np.exp(-tau))/(1.0 - np.exp(-a*tau))) 

print(gcd(2436, 504))

# IMPORTANT NOTE: Python has recursion limit, default recursion limit is 1000.
# you can change it by setrecursionlimit(<New Limit>)
import sys
In [13]:
# Void function
def say_hello():
    print("Hello World :)")
    return # void return

Hello World :)
In [16]:
# lambda function
hemographic1 = lambda x : (2 * x + 4) / (3 * x - 1)

4: Classes

Calm down, Its just a class! The other parts like plots will be discussed in the next tutorial

In [33]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy

class painter:
    def __init__(self, boom_width, boom_height):
        self.boom_width = boom_width
        self.boom_height = boom_height
        self.fig, = plt.subplots()
    def sinusy(self, x):, np.sin(x))
    def expony(self, x):, np.exp(x))
    def free_draw(self, x, y):, y)
        print("Mahmud, 10 saale az Salafchegan")
In [34]:
msr = painter(100, 100)
msr.sinusy(np.linspace(1, 7, 30))
msr.expony(np.linspace(-3, 3, 30))
msr.free_draw(np.random.rand(30), np.linspace(10, 20, 30))
Mahmud, 10 saale az Salafchegan

5.Plotting with matplotlib


Here we will learn about simple plotting tools.

plotting in matlab has many materials, read matplotlib docs for more info

Initialize arrays:

In [31]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
y1 = np.exp(x)
y2 = np.cos(x)
y3 = np.random.randn(100)

plt.plot(x, y3)
# print(dir(plt))

Initialize figures

In [32]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2) # number of subplots
fig.set_figwidth(19) # figure width in cm
fig.set_figheight(11) # figure height in cm

ax[0, 0].plot(x, y2, label='Cos', color='red') # plotting with specs
ax[0, 0].plot(x, y3, label='Rnd') # colors, scatters and ... 
ax[0, 0].plot(x, y1, label='Sin')
ax[0, 1].scatter(x, y2, label='Cos', color='cyan')
ax[1, 0].plot(x, y3, label='Rnd')
ax[1, 1].plot(x, y2, label='Cos')
ax[1, 1].plot(x, y3, label='Rnd')

ax[0, 1].annotate('Sin', (5, 0.5),
            xytext=(0.8, 0.9), textcoords='axes fraction',
            arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05),
            horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top') # annotation cursor

ax[0, 0].set_title("The title !")
ax[0, 0].set_xlabel("X description")
ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("Y description")

ax[1, 0].set_title("The title !")
ax[1, 0].set_xlabel("X description")
ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Y description")

ax[0, 1].set_title("The scatter")
ax[0, 1].set_xlabel("X description")
ax[1, 1].set_ylabel("Y description")

ax[0, 0].legend()
C:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.

6. Using Scipy

here we have an example of scipy solving equation. we will use it in the homeworks

In [6]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

a = 0.5
R = 1.6

func = lambda tau : R - ((1.0 - np.exp(-tau))/(1.0 - np.exp(-a*tau))) 

# Plot it

tau = np.linspace(-0.5, 1.5, 200)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

ax.plot(tau, func(tau))
ax.set_ylabel("expression value")

# Use the numerical solver to find the roots

tau_initial_guess = 0.5
tau_solution = fsolve(func, tau_initial_guess)

print("The solution is tau = %f"%(tau_solution))
print("at which the value of the expression is %f"%(func(tau_solution)))
C:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
C:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.
The solution is tau = 1.021651
at which the value of the expression is -0.000000
In [2]:
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = np.sin(x**2)

plot(x, y)

7. Numpy and scipy Interpolation, extrapolation and fitting

In [10]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import lagrange

# data initialize as numpy array
x = np.linspace(-4, 8, 25) # X
y = np.random.randint(-5, 5, 25) # Y
xp = np.linspace(-5, 9, 300) # Test interval for our polynomial

# Interpolation with Lagrange's method
p1 = lagrange(x, y)

# Fitting with 6th-degree polynomial 
pmul2 = np.polyfit(x, y, deg=2) # getting polynomial multiples
p2 = np.poly1d(pmul2) # getting polynomial function
# a = np.array([1, 4, 5])
# f = np.poly1d(a)

# Plot em
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)

# Interpolated plotting
ax[0].scatter(x, y)
ax[0].plot(xp, p1(xp)) 
ax[0].set_ylim([-30, 30])

# Changes plotting
ax[1].scatter(x, y)
ax[1].plot(xp, p2(xp)) 
ax[1].set_title("Fitted with 6th-degree")
ax[0].set_ylim([-10, 10])
(-10, 10)

7. Derivative

Welcome to sympy!

sympy gives us symbolic abilities, like differentiation, integration, transforms and solving DEs.

Key commands and methods:

x, y = symbols('x y') # -> define x, y as symbols

f1 = x**2 + x + sin(x) # -> define a symbolic function

fd1 = diff(f1, x, 2) # -> compute second order symbolic derivative of f1 based on x

f2 = x**2 + arcsin(y) # -> define multivariable function

fd2 = diff(f1, y, 1) # -> partial differentiation

7.1 Symbolic differentiation

Let see what is in sympy library :

In [1]:
import sympy

['Abs', 'AccumBounds', 'Add', 'Adjoint', 'AlgebraicField', 'AlgebraicNumber', 'And', 'AppliedPredicate', 'Array', 'AssumptionsContext', 'Atom', 'AtomicExpr', 'BasePolynomialError', 'Basic', 'BlockDiagMatrix', 'BlockMatrix', 'C', 'CC', 'CRootOf', 'Catalan', 'Chi', 'Ci', 'Circle', 'ClassRegistry', 'CoercionFailed', 'Complement', 'ComplexField', 'ComplexRegion', 'ComplexRootOf', 'Complexes', 'ComputationFailed', 'ConditionSet', 'Contains', 'CosineTransform', 'Curve', 'DeferredVector', 'DenseNDimArray', 'Derivative', 'Determinant', 'DiagonalMatrix', 'DiagonalOf', 'Dict', 'DiracDelta', 'Domain', 'DomainError', 'DotProduct', 'Dummy', 'E', 'E1', 'EPath', 'EX', 'Ei', 'Eijk', 'Ellipse', 'EmptySequence', 'EmptySet', 'Eq', 'Equality', 'Equivalent', 'EulerGamma', 'EvaluationFailed', 'ExactQuotientFailed', 'Expr', 'ExpressionDomain', 'ExtraneousFactors', 'FF', 'FF_gmpy', 'FF_python', 'FU', 'FallingFactorial', 'FiniteField', 'FiniteSet', 'FlagError', 'Float', 'FourierTransform', 'FractionField', 'Function', 'FunctionClass', 'FunctionMatrix', 'GF', 'GMPYFiniteField', 'GMPYIntegerRing', 'GMPYRationalField', 'Ge', 'GeneratorsError', 'GeneratorsNeeded', 'GeometryError', 'GoldenRatio', 'GramSchmidt', 'GreaterThan', 'GroebnerBasis', 'Gt', 'HadamardProduct', 'HankelTransform', 'Heaviside', 'HeuristicGCDFailed', 'HomomorphismFailed', 'I', 'ITE', 'Id', 'Identity', 'Idx', 'ImageSet', 'ImmutableDenseMatrix', 'ImmutableDenseNDimArray', 'ImmutableMatrix', 'ImmutableSparseMatrix', 'ImmutableSparseNDimArray', 'Implies', 'Indexed', 'IndexedBase', 'Integer', 'IntegerRing', 'Integers', 'Integral', 'Intersection', 'Interval', 'Inverse', 'InverseCosineTransform', 'InverseFourierTransform', 'InverseHankelTransform', 'InverseLaplaceTransform', 'InverseMellinTransform', 'InverseSineTransform', 'IsomorphismFailed', 'KroneckerDelta', 'KroneckerProduct', 'LC', 'LM', 'LT', 'Lambda', 'LambertW', 'LaplaceTransform', 'Le', 'LessThan', 'LeviCivita', 'Li', 'Limit', 'Line', 'Line2D', 'Line3D', 'Lt', 'MatAdd', 'MatMul', 'MatPow', 'Matrix', 'MatrixBase', 'MatrixExpr', 'MatrixSlice', 'MatrixSymbol', 'Max', 'MellinTransform', 'Min', 'Mod', 'Monomial', 'Mul', 'MultivariatePolynomialError', 'MutableDenseMatrix', 'MutableDenseNDimArray', 'MutableMatrix', 'MutableSparseMatrix', 'MutableSparseNDimArray', 'N', 'NDimArray', 'Nand', 'Naturals', 'Naturals0', 'Ne', 'NonSquareMatrixError', 'Nor', 'Not', 'NotAlgebraic', 'NotInvertible', 'NotReversible', 'Number', 'NumberSymbol', 'O', 'OmegaPower', 'OperationNotSupported', 'OptionError', 'Options', 'Or', 'Order', 'Ordinal', 'POSform', 'Parabola', 'Piecewise', 'Plane', 'Point', 'Point2D', 'Point3D', 'PoleError', 'PolificationFailed', 'Poly', 'Polygon', 'PolynomialDivisionFailed', 'PolynomialError', 'PolynomialRing', 'Pow', 'PrecisionExhausted', 'Predicate', 'Product', 'ProductSet', 'PurePoly', 'PythonFiniteField', 'PythonIntegerRing', 'PythonRationalField', 'Q', 'QQ', 'QQ_gmpy', 'QQ_python', 'Quaternion', 'RR', 'Range', 'Rational', 'RationalField', 'Ray', 'Ray2D', 'Ray3D', 'RealField', 'RealNumber', 'Reals', 'RefinementFailed', 'RegularPolygon', 'Rel', 'RisingFactorial', 'RootOf', 'RootSum', 'S', 'SOPform', 'SYMPY_DEBUG', 'Segment', 'Segment2D', 'Segment3D', 'SeqAdd', 'SeqFormula', 'SeqMul', 'SeqPer', 'Set', 'ShapeError', 'Shi', 'Si', 'Sieve', 'SineTransform', 'SingularityFunction', 'SparseMatrix', 'SparseNDimArray', 'StrPrinter', 'StrictGreaterThan', 'StrictLessThan', 'Subs', 'Sum', 'Symbol', 'SymmetricDifference', 'SympifyError', 'TableForm', 'Trace', 'Transpose', 'Triangle', 'TribonacciConstant', 'Tuple', 'Unequality', 'UnevaluatedExpr', 'UnificationFailed', 'Union', 'UnivariatePolynomialError', 'UniversalSet', 'Wild', 'WildFunction', 'Xor', 'Ynm', 'Ynm_c', 'ZZ', 'ZZ_gmpy', 'ZZ_python', 'ZeroMatrix', 'Znm', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', '__sympy_debug', '__version__', 'abundance', 'acos', 'acosh', 'acot', 'acoth', 'acsc', 'acsch', 'add', 'adjoint', 'airyai', 'airyaiprime', 'airybi', 'airybiprime', 'algebras', 'apart', 'apart_list', 'appellf1', 'apply_finite_diff', 'are_similar', 'arg', 'arity', 'array', 'as_finite_diff', 'asec', 'asech', 'asin', 'asinh', 'ask', 'ask_generated', 'assemble_partfrac_list', 'assoc_laguerre', 'assoc_legendre', 'assume', 'assuming', 'assumptions', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'basic', 'bell', 'bernoulli', 'besseli', 'besselj', 'besselk', 'besselsimp', 'bessely', 'beta', 'binomial', 'binomial_coefficients', 'binomial_coefficients_list', 'bivariate', 'block_collapse', 'blockcut', 'bool_map', 'boolalg', 'bottom_up', 'bspline_basis', 'bspline_basis_set', 'cache', 'cacheit', 'calculus', 'cancel', 'capture', 'carmichael', 'cartes', 'casoratian', 'catalan', 'cbrt', 'ccode', 'ceiling', 'centroid', 'chebyshevt', 'chebyshevt_poly', 'chebyshevt_root', 'chebyshevu', 'chebyshevu_poly', 'chebyshevu_root', 'check_assumptions', 'checkodesol', 'checkpdesol', 'checksol', 'class_registry', 'classify_ode', 'classify_pde', 'closest_points', 'codegen', 'cofactors', 'collect', 'collect_const', 'combinatorial', 'combinatorics', 'combsimp', 'common', 'comp', 'compatibility', 'compose', 'composite', 'compositepi', 'concrete', 'conditionset', 'conjugate', 'construct_domain', 'containers', 'contains', 'content', 'continued_fraction', 'continued_fraction_convergents', 'continued_fraction_iterator', 'continued_fraction_periodic', 'continued_fraction_reduce', 'convex_hull', 'convolution', 'convolutions', 'core', 'coreerrors', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cosine_transform', 'cot', 'coth', 'count_ops', 'count_roots', 'covering_product', 'csc', 'csch', 'cse', 'cse_main', 'cse_opts', 'curve', 'cxxcode', 'cycle_length', 'cyclotomic_poly', 'decompogen', 'decompose', 'decorator', 'decorators', 'default_sort_key', 'deg', 'degree', 'degree_list', 'denom', 'dense', 'deprecated', 'derive_by_array', 'det', 'det_quick', 'deutils', 'diag', 'dict_merge', 'diff', 'difference_delta', 'differentiate_finite', 'digamma', 'diophantine', 'dirichlet_eta', 'discrete', 'discrete_log', 'discriminant', 'div', 'divisor_count', 'divisor_sigma', 'divisors', 'doctest', 'dotprint', 'dsolve', 'egyptian_fraction', 'elementary', 'ellipse', 'elliptic_e', 'elliptic_f', 'elliptic_k', 'elliptic_pi', 'entity', 'enumerative', 'epath', 'epathtools', 'erf', 'erf2', 'erf2inv', 'erfc', 'erfcinv', 'erfi', 'erfinv', 'euler', 'euler_equations', 'evalf', 'evaluate', 'exceptions', 'exp', 'exp_polar', 'expand', 'expand_complex', 'expand_func', 'expand_log', 'expand_mul', 'expand_multinomial', 'expand_power_base', 'expand_power_exp', 'expand_trig', 'expint', 'expr', 'expr_with_intlimits', 'expr_with_limits', 'expressions', 'exprtools', 'exptrigsimp', 'exquo', 'external', 'eye', 'factor', 'factor_', 'factor_list', 'factor_nc', 'factor_terms', 'factorial', 'factorial2', 'factorint', 'factorrat', 'facts', 'failing_assumptions', 'false', 'fancysets', 'farthest_points', 'fcode', 'ff', 'fft', 'fibonacci', 'field', 'field_isomorphism', 'filldedent', 'finite_diff_weights', 'flatten', 'floor', 'fourier_series', 'fourier_transform', 'fps', 'frac', 'fraction', 'fresnelc', 'fresnels', 'fu', 'function', 'functions', 'fwht', 'gamma', 'gammasimp', 'gcd', 'gcd_list', 'gcd_terms', 'gcdex', 'gegenbauer', 'generate', 'genocchi', 'geometry', 'get_contraction_structure', 'get_indices', 'gff', 'gff_list', 'glsl_code', 'gosper', 'grevlex', 'grlex', 'groebner', 'ground_roots', 'group', 'gruntz', 'hadamard_product', 'half_gcdex', 'hankel1', 'hankel2', 'hankel_transform', 'harmonic', 'has_dups', 'has_variety', 'hermite', 'hermite_poly', 'hessian', 'hn1', 'hn2', 'homogeneous_order', 'horner', 'hyper', 'hyperexpand', 'hypersimilar', 'hypersimp', 'idiff', 'ifft', 'ifwht', 'igcd', 'igrevlex', 'igrlex', 'ilcm', 'ilex', 'im', 'imageset', 'immutable', 'index_methods', 'indexed', 'inequalities', 'inference', 'init_printing', 'init_session', 'integer_log', 'integer_nthroot', 'integrals', 'integrate', 'interactive', 'interactive_traversal', 'interpolate', 'interpolating_poly', 'interpolating_spline', 'intersecting_product', 'intersection', 'intervals', 'intt', 'inv_quick', 'inverse_cosine_transform', 'inverse_fourier_transform', 'inverse_hankel_transform', 'inverse_laplace_transform', 'inverse_mellin_transform', 'inverse_mobius_transform', 'inverse_sine_transform', 'invert', 'is_abundant', 'is_amicable', 'is_convex', 'is_decreasing', 'is_deficient', 'is_increasing', 'is_mersenne_prime', 'is_monotonic', 'is_nthpow_residue', 'is_perfect', 'is_primitive_root', 'is_quad_residue', 'is_strictly_decreasing', 'is_strictly_increasing', 'is_zero_dimensional', 'isolate', 'isprime', 'iterables', 'itermonomials', 'jacobi', 'jacobi_normalized', 'jacobi_poly', 'jacobi_symbol', 'jn', 'jn_zeros', 'jordan_cell', 'jscode', 'julia_code', 'kronecker_product', 'laguerre', 'laguerre_poly', 'lambdify', 'laplace_transform', 'latex', 'lcm', 'lcm_list', 'legendre', 'legendre_poly', 'legendre_symbol', 'lerchphi', 'lex', 'li', 'limit', 'limit_seq', 'line', 'line_integrate', 'linear_eq_to_matrix', 'linsolve', 'list2numpy', 'ln', 'log', 'logcombine', 'loggamma', 'logic', 'lowergamma', 'lucas', 'magic', 'manualintegrate', 'mathematica_code', 'mathieuc', 'mathieucprime', 'mathieus', 'mathieusprime', 'mathml', 'matrices', 'matrix2numpy', 'matrix_multiply_elementwise', 'matrix_symbols', 'meijerg', 'meijerint', 'mellin_transform', 'memoization', 'memoize_property', 'mersenne_prime_exponent', 'minimal_polynomial', 'minpoly', 'misc', 'mobius', 'mobius_transform', 'mod', 'mod_inverse', 'monic', 'mul', 'multidimensional', 'multinomial', 'multinomial_coefficients', 'multipledispatch', 'multiplicity', 'n_order', 'nan', 'nextprime', 'nfloat', 'nonlinsolve', 'not_empty_in', 'npartitions', 'nroots', 'nsimplify', 'nsolve', 'nth_power_roots_poly', 'ntheory', 'nthroot_mod', 'ntt', 'numbered_symbols', 'numbers', 'numer', 'octave_code', 'ode', 'ode_order', 'ones', 'oo', 'operations', 'ord0', 'ordered', 'ordinals', 'pager_print', 'parabola', 'parallel_poly_from_expr', 'parsing', 'partition', 'partitions_', 'pde', 'pde_separate', 'pde_separate_add', 'pde_separate_mul', 'pdiv', 'pdsolve', 'perfect_power', 'periodic_argument', 'periodicity', 'permutedims', 'pexquo', 'pi', 'piecewise_fold', 'plane', 'plot', 'plot_backends', 'plot_implicit', 'plotting', 'point', 'polar_lift', 'polarify', 'pollard_pm1', 'pollard_rho', 'poly', 'poly_from_expr', 'polygamma', 'polygon', 'polylog', 'polys', 'polysys', 'posify', 'postfixes', 'postorder_traversal', 'powdenest', 'power', 'powsimp', 'pprint', 'pprint_try_use_unicode', 'pprint_use_unicode', 'pquo', 'prefixes', 'prem', 'preorder_traversal', 'pretty', 'pretty_print', 'preview', 'prevprime', 'prime', 'primefactors', 'primenu', 'primeomega', 'primepi', 'primerange', 'primetest', 'primitive', 'primitive_element', 'primitive_root', 'primorial', 'principal_branch', 'print_ccode', 'print_fcode', 'print_glsl', 'print_gtk', 'print_jscode', 'print_latex', 'print_mathml', 'print_python', 'print_rcode', 'print_tree', 'printing', 'prod', 'product', 'products', 'public', 'pycode', 'python', 'quadratic_residues', 'quo', 'rad', 'radsimp', 'randMatrix', 'random_poly', 'randprime', 'randtest', 'rational_interpolate', 'ratsimp', 'ratsimpmodprime', 'rcode', 'rcollect', 're', 'real_root', 'real_roots', 'recurr', 'reduce_abs_inequalities', 'reduce_abs_inequality', 'reduce_inequalities', 'reduced', 'reduced_totient', 'refine', 'refine_root', 'register_handler', 'relational', 'release', 'rem', 'remove_handler', 'reshape', 'residue', 'residue_ntheory', 'resultant', 'rf', 'ring', 'root', 'rootof', 'roots', 'rot_axis1', 'rot_axis2', 'rot_axis3', 'rotations', 'rsolve', 'rsolve_hyper', 'rsolve_poly', 'rsolve_ratio', 'rules', 'runtests', 'rust_code', 'satisfiable', 'sec', 'sech', 'separatevars', 'sequence', 'series', 'seterr', 'sets', 'sfield', 'sieve', 'sift', 'sign', 'signsimp', 'simplify', 'simplify_logic', 'sin', 'sinc', 'sine_transform', 'singleton', 'singularities', 'singularityfunctions', 'singularityintegrate', 'sinh', 'solve', 'solve_linear', 'solve_linear_system', 'solve_linear_system_LU', 'solve_poly_inequality', 'solve_poly_system', 'solve_rational_inequalities', 'solve_triangulated', 'solve_undetermined_coeffs', 'solve_univariate_inequality', 'solvers', 'solveset', 'source', 'sparse', 'special', 'sqf', 'sqf_list', 'sqf_norm', 'sqf_part', 'sqrt', 'sqrt_mod', 'sqrt_mod_iter', 'sqrtdenest', 'srepr', 'sring', 'sstr', 'sstrrepr', 'stieltjes', 'strategies', 'sturm', 'subfactorial', 'subresultants', 'subsets', 'substitution', 'summation', 'summations', 'swinnerton_dyer_poly', 'symarray', 'symbol', 'symbols', 'symmetric_poly', 'symmetrize', 'sympify', 'take', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tensor', 'tensorcontraction', 'tensorproduct', 'terms_gcd', 'test', 'textplot', 'threaded', 'timed', 'timeutils', 'to_cnf', 'to_dnf', 'to_nnf', 'to_number_field', 'together', 'topological_sort', 'total_degree', 'totient', 'trace', 'trailing', 'transforms', 'transpose', 'traversaltools', 'tribonacci', 'trigamma', 'trigonometry', 'trigsimp', 'true', 'trunc', 'unbranched_argument', 'unflatten', 'unpolarify', 'uppergamma', 'use', 'util', 'utilities', 'var', 'variations', 'vectorize', 'vfield', 'viete', 'vring', 'wronskian', 'xfield', 'xring', 'xthreaded', 'yn', 'zeros', 'zeta', 'zoo']
In [2]:
from sympy import * # imports all required functions, methods and types

x, y, z, t, snt = symbols('x y z t snt') # symbols

f1 = exp(x*y + t**(x*y)) + cos(t*2) + sin(y + x + t)
fd1 = diff(f1, t, 1) # first-order derivative based on x
fd1 = diff(fd1, x, 1)
fd1 = diff(fd1, y, 2)

print("\nFirst function:")
print(fd1.subs(x, 3)) # string output
print(fd1.subs(x, 3.)) # float

f2 = sin(x + y) + y**3 + x*y**4
fd2 = diff(f2, y, 2) # second-order derivative based on y
print("\nSecond function:")
print(fd2.subs(x, 2.).subs(y, 1.)) # getting values from the function
First function:
sin(t + x + y) + t**(2*x*y)*x**3*y**2*(t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)**2/t + t**(2*x*y)*x**3*y**2*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)**3/t + t**(2*x*y)*x**2*y*(x*y*log(t) + 2)*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)**2/t + t**(2*x*y)*x**2*y*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)**2/t + t**(x*y)*x**3*y**2*(t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)**3*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)/t + 3*t**(x*y)*x**3*y**2*(t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)**2*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)/t + 3*t**(x*y)*x**3*y**2*(t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)**2/t + t**(x*y)*x**3*y**2*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)**3/t + 3*t**(x*y)*x**2*y*(t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)**2*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)/t + 2*t**(x*y)*x**2*y*(t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)*(t**(x*y)*x*y*log(t)**2 + t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)/t + 8*t**(x*y)*x**2*y*(t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)/t + 2*t**(x*y)*x**2*y*(t**(x*y)*x*y*log(t)**2 + t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)/t + 5*t**(x*y)*x**2*y*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)**2/t + 2*t**(x*y)*x*(t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)/t + 2*t**(x*y)*x*(t**(x*y)*x*y*log(t)**2 + t**(x*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)/t + 4*t**(x*y)*x*exp(t**(x*y) + x*y)*log(t)/t
sin(t + y + 3) + 27*t**(6*y)*y**2*(t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)**2/t + 27*t**(6*y)*y**2*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)**3/t + 9*t**(6*y)*y*(3*y*log(t) + 2)*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)**2/t + 9*t**(6*y)*y*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)**2/t + 27*t**(3*y)*y**2*(t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)**3*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)/t + 81*t**(3*y)*y**2*(t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)**2*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)/t + 81*t**(3*y)*y**2*(t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)**2/t + 27*t**(3*y)*y**2*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)**3/t + 27*t**(3*y)*y*(t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)**2*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)/t + 18*t**(3*y)*y*(t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)*(3*t**(3*y)*y*log(t)**2 + t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)/t + 72*t**(3*y)*y*(t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)/t + 18*t**(3*y)*y*(3*t**(3*y)*y*log(t)**2 + t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)/t + 45*t**(3*y)*y*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)**2/t + 6*t**(3*y)*(t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)/t + 6*t**(3*y)*(3*t**(3*y)*y*log(t)**2 + t**(3*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)/t + 12*t**(3*y)*exp(t**(3*y) + 3*y)*log(t)/t
sin(t + y + 3.0) + 27.0*t**(3.0*y)*y**2*(t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)**3*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)/t + 81.0*t**(3.0*y)*y**2*(t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)**2*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)/t + 81.0*t**(3.0*y)*y**2*(t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)**2/t + 27.0*t**(3.0*y)*y**2*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)**3/t + 27.0*t**(3.0*y)*y*(t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)**2*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)/t + 18.0*t**(3.0*y)*y*(t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)*(3.0*t**(3.0*y)*y*log(t)**2 + t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)/t + 72.0*t**(3.0*y)*y*(t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)/t + 18.0*t**(3.0*y)*y*(3.0*t**(3.0*y)*y*log(t)**2 + t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)/t + 45.0*t**(3.0*y)*y*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)**2/t + 6.0*t**(3.0*y)*(t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)/t + 6.0*t**(3.0*y)*(3.0*t**(3.0*y)*y*log(t)**2 + t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)/t + 12.0*t**(3.0*y)*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)/t + 27.0*t**(6.0*y)*y**2*(t**(3.0*y)*log(t) + 1)*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)**2/t + 27.0*t**(6.0*y)*y**2*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)**3/t + 9.0*t**(6.0*y)*y*(3.0*y*log(t) + 2)*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)**2/t + 9.0*t**(6.0*y)*y*exp(t**(3.0*y) + 3.0*y)*log(t)**2/t

Second function:
12*x*y**2 + 6*y - sin(x + y)

7.2 Numerical differentiation

As easy as easy. there are two different ways for numerical differentiation:

In [84]:
import numpy as np

x = np.random.randint(-3, 3, 10)
y1 = np.gradient(x, 1) # the interpolated gradient
y2 = x[0:len(x)-1] - x[1:len(x)] # normal gradient

[-2  1 -3  2  0  2 -2 -3  0  2]
[ 3.  -0.5  0.5  1.5  0.  -1.  -2.5  1.   2.5  2. ]
[-3  4 -5  2 -2  4  1 -3 -2]

8. Integration

Integration is most cool part of sympy.

8.1 Integrals


In [2]:
from sympy import * # imports all required functions, methods and types

x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t') # symbols

f1 = (x**2)*cos(x) + exp(x*2)
I1 = integrate(f1, x) # symbolic integral based on x
print("\nFirst function integral:")
print(I1.subs(x, 3)) # string output
print(I1.subs(x, 3.) - I1.subs(x, 1.)) # float

f2 = sin(x + y) + y**3 + x*y**4
I2 = integrate(f2, y) # symbolic integral based on y
print("\nSecond function:")
print(I2.subs(x, 2.).subs(y, 1.)) # getting values from the function
First function integral:
x**2*sin(x) + 2*x*cos(x) + exp(2*x)/2 - 2*sin(x)
6*cos(3) + 7*sin(3) + exp(6)/2

Second function:
x*y**5/5 + y**4/4 - cos(x + y)

8.2 Integral Transforms

8.2.1 Laplace transform

In [102]:
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a

F1 = t**a + sin(t) + exp(3*a*t)
L1 = laplace_transform(F1, t, s)

(s**(-a - 1)*gamma(a + 1) + 1/(s**2 + 1) - 1/(s*(3*a/s - 1)), 0, (re(a) > -1) & ((re(a) > -1) | (re(a) - 1 < -1)) & ((re(a) > -1) | Eq(Abs(arg(s)), pi/2)) & ((Abs(arg(a) + pi) <= pi/2) | (Abs(arg(a) + pi) < pi/2)))

8.2.2 Inverse Laplace transform

In [104]:
from sympy.integrals.transforms import inverse_laplace_transform
from sympy import exp, Symbol
from import s, t
a = Symbol('a', positive=True)

L2 = exp(-a*s)/s**2
F2 = inverse_laplace_transform(L2, s, t)
(-a + t)*Heaviside(-a + t)

8.2.3 Mellin transform

In [106]:
from sympy.integrals.transforms import mellin_transform
from sympy import exp
from import x, s

F1 = exp(-x) + sin(x)
M1 = mellin_transform(F1, x, s)
((2**s*sqrt(pi)*gamma(s/2 + 1/2) - gamma(-s/2)*gamma(s + 1))/(2*gamma(1 - s/2)), (0, 1), True)

8.2.4 Fourier and I-Fourier transform

In [115]:
from sympy import fourier_transform, exp, inverse_fourier_transform
from import x, k

F1 = exp(-x*2) * Heaviside(x)
Q1 = fourier_transform(F1, x, k)
Q2 = fourier_transform(F2, x, k, noconds=False)

1/(2*(I*pi*k + 1))
(-FourierTransform(FourierTransform(exp(-2*x), x, k), x, k), (Abs(arg(k) - pi/2) < pi/2) & (Abs(arg(k) + pi/2) < pi/2))

9. Differential equations

9.0 Definition

In python-sympy, to start a DE session, at first we need to assign differential equations.

Look at this simple example:

In [9]:
from sympy import Function, dsolve, Eq, Derivative, sin, cos, symbols
from import x

f = Function('f')(x) # Defining F as function of x
fp = Derivative(f, x) # F prime (1st derivative)
fz = Derivative(f, x, x) # F zegond (2nd derivative)
fy = Derivative(fz, x)

deq1 = fz + 9*f - fy
p1 = dsolve(deq1, f)

Eq(f(x), C1*exp(x*(-2**(2/3)*(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3) - 2*2**(1/3)/(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3) + 4)/12)*sin(2**(1/3)*sqrt(3)*x*(-2**(1/3)*(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3) + 2/(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3))/12) + C2*exp(x*(-2**(2/3)*(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3) - 2*2**(1/3)/(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3) + 4)/12)*cos(2**(1/3)*sqrt(3)*x*(-2**(1/3)*(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3) + 2/(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3))/12) + C3*exp(x*(2*2**(1/3)/(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3) + 2 + 2**(2/3)*(9*sqrt(741) + 245)**(1/3))/6))

9.1 ODE

Visit [], ODE has so many properties

9.2 PDE

9.3 Euler's method for numerical ODE approximation

In [142]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def f(x, y): 
    return (x + y - x * y) + (x**2) -(y**3)

def euler_ode(x0, y, h, x): 
    sol = []
    xs = []
    while x0 < x:  
        y = y + h * f(x0, y) 
        x0 = x0 + h 
    return xs, sol
x0 = 0
y0 = 1
h = 0.025
# Value of x at which we need approximation 
x = 10
x, y = euler_ode(x0, y0, h, x)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y)

9.4 Runge-Kutta's method for DE

Imagine we have this Differential equation:

$$y'' - xy' - y + x^2 = 0$$

To solve this equation as numerical DE, we have to rewrite this equation as Runge-Kutta equations:

$$y'' = xy' + y - x^2, f_2(x) = xy' + y - x^2, f_1(x) = y'$$$$y'(x_0) = 2, y(x_0) = 0$$
In [72]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def runge_kutta4_2(x0, y10, y20, x, h, F1, F2): # for 2nd order
    n = (int)((x - x0)/h)
    y1 = y10
    y2 = y20
    lgx = []
    lgy = []
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        k11 = h * F1(x, y1, y2)
        k21 = h * F2(x, y1, y2)
        k12 = h * F1(x + 0.5*h, y1 + 0.5*k11, y2 + 0.5*k21)
        k22 = h * F2(x + 0.5*h, y1 + 0.5*k11, y2 + 0.5*k21)
        k13 = h * F1(x + 0.5*h, y1 + 0.5*k12, y2 + 0.5*k22)
        k23 = h * F2(x + 0.5*h, y1 + 0.5*k12, y2 + 0.5*k22)
        k14 = h * F1(x + h, y1 + k13, y2 + k23)
        k24 = h * F2(x + h, y1 + k13, y2 + k23)
        y1 += (k11 + 2*(k12 + k13) + k14)/6
        y2 += (k21 + 2*(k22 + k23) + k24)/6
        x += h
    return lgx, lgy
def runge_kutta4_1(x0, y0, x, h, F): # for 1st order

    n = (int)((x - x0)/h)  
    y = y0 
    lgx = []
    lgy = []
    for i in range(1, n+1): 
        k1 = h * F(x0, y) 
        k2 = h * F(x0 + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k1) 
        k3 = h * F(x0 + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k2) 
        k4 = h * F(x0 + h, y + k3) 
        y = y + (1.0 / 6.0)*(k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) 
        x0 = x0 + h 
    return lgx, lgy

def f1(x, y1, y2): 
    dy1dx = y2
    return dy1dx 

def f2(x, y1, y2):
    dy2dx = -y1 * x**2 + y2 * np.sin(x)
    return dy2dx

def f3(x, y):
    dydx = -y + x
    return dydx

x0 = -3
y = 3
yp = 0
x = 3
h = 0.01

# print('The value of y at x is:', runge_kutta4_1(x0, y, x, h, f3))
# print('The value of y at x is:', runge_kutta4_2(x0, y, yp, x, h, f1, f2))
x1, y1 = runge_kutta4_1(x0, y, x, h, f3)

x0 = -20
y = 3
yp = 0
x = 0
h = 0.01

x2, y2 = runge_kutta4_2(x0, y, yp, x, h, f1, f2)

# Plot em
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)

# Interpolated plotting
ax[0].plot(x1, y1)
ax[0].set_title("Linear DE")
# ax[0].set_ylim([-30, 30])

# Changes plotting
ax[1].plot(x2, y2)
ax[1].set_title("Non-linear DE")
# ax[0].set_ylim([-10, 10])
C:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.

10. Matrixes in python-numpy

10.0 Matrix computations

here are some Numpy matrix computations example

In [32]:
import numpy as np

x1 = np.random.randint(0, 10, [3, 3])
x2 = np.random.randint(1, 24, [3, 3])
x3 = np.random.randint(3, 10, [3, 7])
x4 = np.random.randint(4, 11, [7, 5])
x5 = np.random.randint(10, 15, [5, 1])
x6 = np.random.randint(-1, 7, [1, 2])
In [33]:
# Matrix addition

y = x1 + x2 #(elementwise addition)
print("x1:\n", x1, "\nx2:\n", x2, "\nx3:\n", y)
 [[1 3 3]
 [8 2 2]
 [0 0 4]] 
 [[23 17 21]
 [12  3 15]
 [19 10  7]] 
 [[24 20 24]
 [20  5 17]
 [19 10 11]]
In [34]:
# Matrix subtraction

y = x1 - x2 #(elementwise subtraction)
print("x1:\n", x1, "\nx2:\n", x2, "\nx3:\n", y)
 [[1 3 3]
 [8 2 2]
 [0 0 4]] 
 [[23 17 21]
 [12  3 15]
 [19 10  7]] 
 [[-22 -14 -18]
 [ -4  -1 -13]
 [-19 -10  -3]]
In [36]:
# Matrix elementwise division

y = x1 / x2 #(elementwise division)
print("x1:\n", x1, "\nx2:\n", x2, "\nx3:\n", y)
 [[1 3 3]
 [8 2 2]
 [0 0 4]] 
 [[23 17 21]
 [12  3 15]
 [19 10  7]] 
 [[0.04347826 0.17647059 0.14285714]
 [0.66666667 0.66666667 0.13333333]
 [0.         0.         0.57142857]]
In [61]:
# Matrix elementwise multiply (dot)

y = x1 * x2 # (dot)
y =, x2) # equivalent :)

print("x1:\n", x1, "\nx2:\n", x2, "\nx3:\n", y)
 [[1 3 3]
 [8 2 2]
 [0 0 4]] 
 [[23 17 21]
 [12  3 15]
 [19 10  7]] 
 [[116  56  87]
 [246 162 212]
 [ 76  40  28]]
In [42]:
# Matrix multiply

y = np.matmul(x3, x4) #(matrix cross (multiply))
print("x1:\n", x3, "\nx2:\n", x4, "\nx3:\n", y)
 [[8 7 5 3 9 5 3]
 [3 5 9 6 4 8 9]
 [3 5 8 9 8 9 4]] 
 [[ 7  5  6  5  8]
 [ 6  6  4 10  7]
 [ 9  6  7  8  9]
 [ 7  5 10  6  4]
 [ 7  4  8  9 10]
 [10  6  8 10  7]
 [ 6  9 10 10  4]] 
 [[295 220 283 329 307]
 [336 274 347 379 296]
 [356 260 360 385 326]]
In [57]:
xt = np.transpose(x4) # transpose!
print(xt, "\n\n", x4)
[[ 7  6  9  7  7 10  6]
 [ 5  6  6  5  4  6  9]
 [ 6  4  7 10  8  8 10]
 [ 5 10  8  6  9 10 10]
 [ 8  7  9  4 10  7  4]] 

 [[ 7  5  6  5  8]
 [ 6  6  4 10  7]
 [ 9  6  7  8  9]
 [ 7  5 10  6  4]
 [ 7  4  8  9 10]
 [10  6  8 10  7]
 [ 6  9 10 10  4]]

10.1 Numpy.linalg

this subset of numpy has basic Linear algebra tools

In [1]:
import numpy as np

x1 = np.random.randint(1, 10, [3, 3])
x2 = np.random.randint(1, 24, [3, 3])
x3 = np.random.randint(3, 10, [3, 7])

x4 = np.random.randint(4, 11, [7, 5])
x5 = np.random.randint(10, 15, [5, 1])
x6 = np.random.randint(-1, 7, [1, 2])

v1 = np.random.randint(-1, 3, [1, 3])
v2 = np.random.randint(1, 19, [1, 3])
v3 = np.random.randint(-4, 4, [3, 3])


xinv = np.linalg.inv(x1) # inverse matrix
xdet = np.linalg.det(x1) # determinant
xnrm = np.linalg.norm(x1) # norm

xsvd = np.linalg.svd(x1) # singular value decomposition
xqrd = np.linalg.qr(x1) # compute the qr factorization a matrix
xeig = np.linalg.eig(x1) # compute eigenvalues and correponding eigenvactors

xpow = np.linalg.matrix_power(x1, 3) # x1^3
xpow = np.linalg.matrix_power(x1, -1) # x1^-1 (inverse)
xpow = np.linalg.cond(x1)
# xchl = np.linalg.cholesky(x1) # matrix must be positive and definite
['LinAlgError', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', '_umath_linalg', 'absolute_import', 'cholesky', 'cond', 'det', 'division', 'eig', 'eigh', 'eigvals', 'eigvalsh', 'info', 'inv', 'lapack_lite', 'linalg', 'lstsq', 'matrix_power', 'matrix_rank', 'multi_dot', 'norm', 'pinv', 'print_function', 'qr', 'slogdet', 'solve', 'svd', 'tensorinv', 'tensorsolve', 'test']

10.2 Scipy.linalg

Scipy has more tools, including np.linalg and many other tools:

example of L-U decomposition:

In [3]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la

A = np.array([[1,3,4],[2,1,3],[4,1,2]])

P, L, U =
print(, A))
print(, U))

[[1 3 4]
 [2 1 3]
 [4 1 2]]
[[4. 1. 2.]
 [1. 3. 4.]
 [2. 1. 3.]]
[[4. 1. 2.]
 [1. 3. 4.]
 [2. 1. 3.]]
[[0. 1. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1.]
 [1. 0. 0.]]
[[1.         0.         0.        ]
 [0.25       1.         0.        ]
 [0.5        0.18181818 1.        ]]
[[4.         1.         2.        ]
 [0.         2.75       3.5       ]
 [0.         0.         1.36363636]]
['LinAlgError', 'LinAlgWarning', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', '__version__', '_decomp_ldl', '_decomp_polar', '_decomp_qz', '_decomp_update', '_expm_frechet', '_fblas', '_flapack', '_flinalg', '_matfuncs_sqrtm', '_procrustes', '_sketches', '_solve_toeplitz', '_solvers', 'absolute_import', 'basic', 'blas', 'block_diag', 'cdf2rdf', 'cho_factor', 'cho_solve', 'cho_solve_banded', 'cholesky', 'cholesky_banded', 'circulant', 'clarkson_woodruff_transform', 'companion', 'coshm', 'cosm', 'cython_blas', 'cython_lapack', 'decomp', 'decomp_cholesky', 'decomp_lu', 'decomp_qr', 'decomp_schur', 'decomp_svd', 'det', 'dft', 'diagsvd', 'division', 'eig', 'eig_banded', 'eigh', 'eigh_tridiagonal', 'eigvals', 'eigvals_banded', 'eigvalsh', 'eigvalsh_tridiagonal', 'expm', 'expm_cond', 'expm_frechet', 'fiedler', 'fiedler_companion', 'find_best_blas_type', 'flinalg', 'fractional_matrix_power', 'funm', 'get_blas_funcs', 'get_lapack_funcs', 'hadamard', 'hankel', 'helmert', 'hessenberg', 'hilbert', 'inv', 'invhilbert', 'invpascal', 'kron', 'lapack', 'ldl', 'leslie', 'linalg_version', 'logm', 'lstsq', 'lu', 'lu_factor', 'lu_solve', 'matfuncs', 'matrix_balance', 'misc', 'norm', 'null_space', 'ordqz', 'orth', 'orthogonal_procrustes', 'pascal', 'pinv', 'pinv2', 'pinvh', 'polar', 'print_function', 'qr', 'qr_delete', 'qr_insert', 'qr_multiply', 'qr_update', 'qz', 'rq', 'rsf2csf', 'schur', 'signm', 'sinhm', 'sinm', 'solve', 'solve_banded', 'solve_circulant', 'solve_continuous_are', 'solve_continuous_lyapunov', 'solve_discrete_are', 'solve_discrete_lyapunov', 'solve_lyapunov', 'solve_sylvester', 'solve_toeplitz', 'solve_triangular', 'solveh_banded', 'special_matrices', 'sqrtm', 'subspace_angles', 'svd', 'svdvals', 'tanhm', 'tanm', 'test', 'toeplitz', 'tri', 'tril', 'triu']

For full documentation, visit scipy's np.linalg simple documentation:
