About 'le petit prince'

Purpose of my life

Sometimes we forget that we have a brain which probably works well. It is working in the background of every moment that we are alive; however why we are not aware of all the computations that it is doing right now? Isn't it our brain? I'm here to see if I can do something to understand it.


Neuroscience (PhD program) / Dept. of Psychology, Vanderbilt University / Nashville, TN, U.S (2022-ongoing)

Electrical engineering (BSc program) / Dept. of EE, Sharif university of technology / Tehran, Iran (2017-2021)

Allameh Helli IV high school / Mathematics and Physics / Tehran, Iran (2010-2017)

Mehr Aeen institute of music / Violin / Tehran, Iran (2009-2017)


Python (Signal processing and data analysis)
Pytorch - OpenCV - Scipy - Tensorflow - Keras - PyMNE
NWB - Signal processing - Statistical analysis

Notable courses

Visual systems (PhD)
Neuroanatomy (PhD)
Neuroscience II (PhD)
Brain from inside-out (PhD)
Experimental design (PhD)
Advanced neuroscience (M.sc)
Learning, memory and cognitive neuroscience (M.sc)
Deep learning (M.sc)
Medical image processing (M.sc)
Medical imaging systems (M.sc)
Electroencephalogram signal processing (M.sc)
Theory of machine learning (M.sc)
Biological and computational intelligence (B.sc)
Digital signal processing (B.sc)
Foundations of neuroscience (B.sc)
Biomedical engineering principles (B.sc)
Engineering mathematics (B.sc)